

pg电子官网州立社区学院提供高速互联网、电子邮件、 通过光纤互连的交换以太网提供网络服务 optic backbone. The network is provided for use by Wallace State Community College 学生,教师和工作人员,并将用于教育,学术发展, and public service only. The College's network/Internet provides students with a quality 学习环境通过提倡灵活的授课方式,不断创新 technology, and state-of-the-art concepts in instruction. It also provides a growth-oriented 通过促进教师和员工的发展,为员工提供专业的环境 opportunities. Through efficient use of the College's network/Internet resources and pg电子官网州立社区学院是一个资源丰富的社区合作伙伴 enrichment. In addition to the network/Internet use by the students, faculty, and 工作人员,它的目的是支持学院的行政程序以及.

这些规则和规定是为了定义学院的可接受的使用 network system. All students, faculty, and staff who access the Internet with College 资源部门负责确保这些计算设施在系统中得到使用 以道德和合法的方式,并必须遵守本文档中所述的条件 and other applicable college policies. Unacceptable use is prohibited, and is grounds 因为失去了计算机特权,以及联邦法律规定的纪律或法律制裁, State, and local laws. The College reserves the right to extend, limit, restrict, or deny privileges and access to its network/Internet resources. All users of the 大学网络负责阅读和理解本政策.

Statement of Policy

1. Accounts

a. 适当的系统管理员必须批准所有帐户并颁发密码 allowing access to the College network/Internet resources. The user must be authenticated 通过pg电子官网州立社区学院指定的网络用户名和密码.
b. 用户名和密码是使用它们的个人的责任 are assigned. Any individual other than the person to whom they were assigned shall not use the username and password, or other assigned authorization. Violations of 本政策或任何其他政策通过未经授权使用的用户名和密码 将用户名和密码分配给纪律处分的个人进行纪律处分 action, up to and including discharge.
c. 如果pg电子官网州立社区学院不再雇佣个人,它将 员工主管是否有责任通知相应的系统 administrator to close the former employee's account. All student accounts will automatically expire at the end of each semester.
d. 在任何电子通信中,必须使用适当的身份证明,并且有效; 中的应用程序或服务器需要时,提供可跟踪的标识 Wallace State computing facilities.

2. Software

为了防止电脑病毒通过系统传播,将会有 be no unauthorized downloading or installation of any software. All software downloads 只有在得到适当的批准和/或协助后才能进行安装 system administrator.

3. Copyright Issues

a. 所有大学网络/互联网用户必须遵守版权法pg电子官网 software, data, and authored files. Users may not transmit copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than this college. Caution is given to downloading material from 根据版权法,互联网来源可能被认为是它的副本.
b. 允许从因特网上打印网页和下载资料 为提供信息的目的,只要这种复制的目的属于 category of "fair use".
c. The College is not responsible for copyright infringement by a user. Such responsibility shall lie solely with the user.

4. Ethical Use of the Network/Internet

a. 所有用户必须对有效、道德地使用这些资源负责 and lawful manner. At any time and without prior notice, Wallace State reserves the 检查电子邮件、个人文件目录或任何其他存储信息的权利 on Wallace State Community College computers or equipment. This will only be allowed 经学院院长明确批准,或应执法部门的要求 agencies.
b. 适当的系统管理员可以监视对Internet的访问. Use of the
c. Internet constitutes acceptance of such monitoring.
d. 本政策应与其他pg电子官网政策一并阅读和解释 州立社区学院的政策包括但不限于禁止 骚扰、歧视、冒犯性行为或不当行为.
e. 禁止用户出于任何不道德的目的访问互联网,包括 色情,淫秽,暴力,赌博,种族主义,骚扰,或任何非法活动.
f. 用户在发布电子邮件时禁止使用亵渎或粗俗的语言 via the Internet or posting to public forms (i.e., newsgroups). Any electronic mail 通过帖子发送到公共新闻组必须符合这些道德标准.
g. 所有用户必须遵守有关发送信息的所有联邦和州法律 through the Internet. The Code of Ethics set by Wallace State Community College strictly 禁止未经授权发布或披露任何会员信息 Internet or through any other means. College confidential information should not be transmitted over the Internet.
h. 所有用户也被禁止通过pg电子官网州立大学使用互联网接入 systems for any personal business or profit-making activities.

5. Privacy of Information

通过或存储在任何pg电子官网州立社区学院电子设备的信息 网络、通信或计算机系统可能被别人看作是各种各样的 reasons. 日常的管理、管理或审计功能可能需要信息 通过pg电子官网州立社区学院的计算机和网络存储或传输到 be intercepted. Electronic transactions may be subject to inspection by Wallace State Community College without notice. All users should fully understand that no guarantee 可以使pg电子官网州立社区学院的信息电子化吗 系统或存储在pg电子官网州立社区学院系统中的数据将保持私有. Users should respect the privacy of others. This includes, but is not limited to, 避免未经授权访问电子邮件、文件、数据和传输.

6. Condition of Use of the Internet and E-mail

a. 作为访问使用网络/互联网资源的条件,员工是必需的 to sign the "Use of Internet and E-mail" acknowledgement form. Students are required to sign the "Student Network/Internet Resource Usage" agreement form.
b. 违反本政策的员工将受到纪律处分,最高处分至 包括按照阿拉巴马社区学院提供的指导方针出院 System, Policy number 619.01.
c. 任何18岁以下的用户都必须有父母签署的未成年同意书 或法定监护人,才有资格使用学院的网络/互联网资源. 未成年人访问或使用互联网完全是父母的责任 or legal guardian.